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Agricultural scene
City skyline scene
Clam digger
Clam digging, recreational
Dozer and chain saw
Fish ladder cross section
Fisher on dock
Fishers, two on one fish
Fishers, with dead fish on bottom
Geoduck clam digger
National Estuarine Reserve map
National Estuarine Reserve map, partially labeled
National Marine Sanctuaries map
Plastic trash, assorted
Pollution scene
Pop can trash
Sign, beach closed
Sign, beach closed 2
Sign, beach open
Sign, contaminated area
Sign, limit with bucket of clams
Sign, protect the eastern tropical pacific ocean
Sign, stop catching dolphins
Watershed impacts, bulldozer
Watershed impacts, bulldozer
Watershed impacts, cows
Watershed impacts, dam
Watershed impacts, fertilizer
Watershed impacts, fire
Watershed impacts, gardening
Watershed impacts, logging