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Grades 9-12   Unit 4
Ocean Waves and Life in the Surf Zone- Sandy Beaches and Kelp Forests

Table of Contents

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Conceptual Scheme
Marine Aquaria
Successful Fieldtripping

1. The Lifecycle of Ocean Waves
Students interpret first the pictures and then the text of this discussion of the patterns and causes of ocean waves.

2. Waves and the Sandy Seashore- An Exploration
This lab explores how waves shape beaches and how structures humans build alter beach formation.

3. Beach Sand: Littoral Sediments, Literary Sentiments
Students infer the origins of sand samples based on observable characteristics and then try to convey something about the science and the beauty of sand using haiku.

4. Burrowing and Burying- Life on the Sandy Shore
Students observe the internal and external anatomy of a clam and explore how these structures enable the animal to survive in a wave-swept, sandy habitat.

5. Shellfish and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
This article summarizes the causes, detection and dangers of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning in clams and other filter-feeding shellfish.

6. The Living Crab
Students observe a living crab and look for structures and behaviors that protect the crab, help it move and bury, enable it to find food and allow it to sense its environment.

7. Marine Ecology and the Kelp Forests
Exploration of a kelp forest ecosystem growing along a wave-swept coast introduces basic concepts in ecology.

8. Observing Algae
Students look for differences and similarities between green, brown and red algae.

9. Practicing With Keys
Students learn how to use an identification key by keying out the identity of common objects.

10. Identification of Common Marine Plants of the West Coast
This key allows identification of most algae in western coastal waters.

11. Pressing Algae
Students press fresh algae specimens.

12. Sea Forest
This reading explores the ecological and economic importance of marine algae.

13. “Farming Four Feet Under” – Three Level Guide
This reading examines effort to cultivate algae as a food source.

Production Credits

Below, you’ll find helpful resources for use with the above activities.

Unit IV: Resources

Activity 1 The Lifecycle of Ocean Waves
The Lifecycle of Ocean Waves article part a
The Lifecycle of Ocean Waves article part b
Tsunami article

Activity 3 Beach Sand – Littoral Sediments, Literary Sentiments
Collecting beach sand

Activity 5 Shellfish and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
Shellfish and the red tide
Toxic red tides
Tracing a toxic tide
Reef fish
Killer Dinoflagellate

Activity 6 The Living Crab
Cashing in on chitin
Getting started with prawns

Activity 7 Marine Ecology and the Kelp Forest
Kelp forest mini-tour
National Wildlife Federation Kelp Habitat slide show
Slide Script

Activity 13 Farming Four Feet Under – Three Level Guide
Farming Four Feet Under article part 1
Farming Four Feet Under article part 2

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