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MARE  Grade 3 – Wetlands

Table of Contents

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How to Use the MARE Guide

Literature Connections

Ocean Week

Teaching Strategies

Activity 1: Bird Beak Buffet
Students role-play species of birds with beaks of different shapes and sizes. They gather different food items with their “beaks”, graph the results, and compare their feeding success.

Activity 2: Oyster Beds
Students make observations about oyster shells, then communicate to others, with words and pictures,what they learned about the animal’s fascinating adaptations.

Activity 3: Bivalve Booklets
Students explore the structure, biology and natural history of clams and other bivalves, by observing real clams, and then creating a clam booklet.

Activity 4: Butts Up!
Students listen to and interpret the Banana Slug String Band song “Butts Up”. They then work in small groups to transform the song into a mini-drama and stage a performance.

Activity 5: Estuary Life
Students listen to and interpret the Banana Slug String Band song “Estuary Life”. They work in small groups to teach each other about wetlands and then participate in a gameshow to check for understanding. Finally, they transform the song into a mini-drama and stage a performance.

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