FOR SEA Institute of Marine Science
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MARE  Grade 4 – Kelp Forest

Table of Contents

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Introducing the Kelp Forest

How to Use the MARE Guide

Literature Connections

Ocean Week

Teaching Strategies

Activity 1: Red Fish Roundup
Students wear blue cellophane goggles to simulate the light conditions during an underwater diving experience while searching for camouflaged fish.

Activity 2: Temperature Currents
Students experiment with water of different temperatures and densities to demonstrate current formation.

Activity 3: Kelp Forest Seasons of the Sea
Students work in groups to act out the seasonal changes and yearly variations that effect the life within a kelp forest.

Activity 4: It Takes All Kinds
Students observe adaptations in diverse fish and use this information to predict habitat and lifestyle.

Activity 5: Fish Formation
A student is changed into a fish as s(he) dons a fish costume to demonstrate the major adaptations of fishes to life in water as classmates suggest the possible adaptations.

Activity 6: Sea Otter Jeopardy
Students work together to teach each other about sea otters and then show what they’ve learned as they participate in a game show.

Activity 7: Build a Kelp Forest
Students research a kelp forest organism, make a presentation and build a 3-d model to add to their classroom kelp forest.

Activity 8: Seaweed Smorgasbord
Students taste and rate their preferences for a variety of foods containing seaweed from many cultures and discuss cultural, modern and traditional uses of these foods.

Activity 9: Apples and Oceans
Students slice an apple and draw a pie chart to represent the small amount of drinkable water on land, and the small portion of the ocean that is highly productive.

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