It’s Your Sound

Think of the Northwest and we think of water. Water dominates our landscape and our history. Nearly three million of us live on dozens of rivers and lakes, thousands of creeks, along the shorelines of Puget Sound, and in the cities that have grown up along those waterways. A healthy Sound provides recreation and supports industries. It serves as our highways and feeds our families. We share the region with a vast array of aquatic and wetland plants and animals whose survival depends on the purity of the Sound’s waters.

The water that finds its way into the Puget Sound drains from countless parcels of property like yours in 12 counties. The need to be concerned about the waters of Puget Sound is a relatively new one. In most areas, damage from pollution and misuse of Puget Sound has not been highly visible. Yet pollution poses a serious threat to the Puget Sound and declines in the number and kinds of fish and shellfish are cause for concern.

WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!   That’s the point of this guide — what we do every day makes a difference for Puget Sound. Use the suggestions in this guide at home. Then apply the same ideas at work and in your community. Now is the time to act together to live a “Sound life-style.” Thank you for reading and caring.

If you live within the boundaries of this area, this book’s for you…

Perhaps you don’t live on the shoreline of Puget Sound. You may be wondering how this booklet applies to you. When we talk about Puget Sound, we need to include more than the body of saltwater extending from south of Olympia to north of Bellingham. From an ecological perspective, “Puget Sound” is the entire watershed — everything that drains west from the crest of the Cascades or east from the Olympic Mountains can find its way into Puget Sound. If we aren’t careful clearing land near the Duckabush River or don’t maintain our septic tank in Carnation, the impact may be felt all along the water’s route to the Sound. Our actions at home and on our land can extend hundreds of miles beyond our fences.

Wonders of the Sound