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Atlantic salmon
Fish caught in fish net
Fish small outline, thumbnail
Map, Columbia and Snake rivers
Map, Columbia River salmon habitat
Map, Columbia River watershed
Map: Columbia River basin
Map: Columbia River basin, fully labeled
Map: Columbia River basin, shaded
Map: Idaho Snake River watersheds
Northwest Native American net fishing scene
Northwest Native American stylized salmon
Salmon alevin with attached yolk sac
Salmon alevins
Salmon and stickleback compared
Salmon approaching fish hook
Salmon digging redd
Salmon eggs
Salmon eggs with alevins emerging
Salmon entering fish weir
Salmon eyed eggs
Salmon fry showing parr marks (stripes)
Salmon fry showing parr marks (stripes) against striped background
Salmon fry with yolk sac
Salmon hatchery building and raceways
Salmon in kelp bed
Salmon in river on gravel bed
Salmon life cycle
Salmon life cycle in hatcher
Salmon life cycle, generalized
Salmon net pens
Salmon oceanic migration map
Salmon parr in eelgrass
Salmon smolt at night
Salmon smolt jumping out of water
Salmon smolts being released into river
Salmon spawning
Salmon swimming school
Salmon swimming up rapids
Salmon, advertisement for pen reared
Salmon, chinook, male, female, smolt
Salmon, chinook, thumbnail
Salmon, chum, male, female, smolt
Salmon, coho, horizontal orientation
Salmon, coho, male, female, smolt
Salmon, coho, vertical orientation
Salmon, egg to adult under hand lens
Salmon, five types compared
Salmon, generalized
Salmon, jumping
Salmon, pail of eggs
Salmon, pink, male, female, smolt
Salmon, sockeye, horizontal orientation
Salmon, sockeye, horizontal orientation
Salmon, sockeye, male, female and smolt
Salmon, sockeye, male, female, smolt
Salmon, sockeye, vertical orientation
Salmon, sockeye, vertical orientation
Salmon, thumbnail
Salmon, thumbnail
Sea lion chasing salmon
Trout, cut throat