{"id":30,"date":"2019-03-12T23:10:31","date_gmt":"2019-03-12T23:10:31","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.forsea.org\/fstoc9-4\/"},"modified":"2020-11-17T23:38:33","modified_gmt":"2020-11-17T23:38:33","slug":"fstoc9-4","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"http:\/\/www.forsea.org\/fstoc9-4\/","title":{"rendered":"FOR SEA Grades 9-12 – Unit 4 Ocean Waves and Life in the Surf Zone- Sandy Beaches and Kelp Forests"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n
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Grades 9-12   Unit 4
Ocean Waves and Life in the Surf Zone- Sandy Beaches and Kelp Forests<\/a><\/h1>\n

Table of Contents<\/a><\/font><\/u><\/h2>\n

Click on a lesson title to view the complete lesson as a pdf.<\/b><\/p>\n

Want to customize the lesson? Click on the “” icon that follows the
lesson overview to download the lesson as an editable Word document<\/i><\/p>\n


Conceptual Scheme<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Marine Aquaria<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Successful Fieldtripping<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/p>\n


1. The Lifecycle of Ocean Waves<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
Students interpret first the pictures and then the text of this discussion of the patterns and causes of ocean waves. <\/a><\/p>\n


2. Waves and the Sandy Seashore- An Exploration<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
This lab explores how waves shape beaches and how structures humans build alter beach formation. <\/a><\/p>\n


3. Beach Sand: Littoral Sediments, Literary Sentiments<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
Students infer the origins of sand samples based on observable characteristics and then try to convey something about the science and the beauty of sand using haiku. <\/a><\/p>\n


4. Burrowing and Burying- Life on the Sandy Shore<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
Students observe the internal and external anatomy of a clam and explore how these structures enable the animal to survive in a wave-swept, sandy habitat. <\/a><\/p>\n


5. Shellfish and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
This article summarizes the causes, detection and dangers of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning in clams and other filter-feeding shellfish. <\/a><\/p>\n


6. The Living Crab<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
Students observe a living crab and look for structures and behaviors that protect the crab, help it move and bury, enable it to find food and allow it to sense its environment. <\/a><\/p>\n


7. Marine Ecology and the Kelp Forests<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
Exploration of a kelp forest ecosystem growing along a wave-swept coast introduces basic concepts in ecology. <\/a><\/p>\n


8. Observing Algae<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
Students look for differences and similarities between green, brown and red algae. <\/a><\/p>\n


9. Practicing With Keys<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
Students learn how to use an identification key by keying out the identity of common objects. <\/a><\/p>\n


10. Identification of Common Marine Plants of the West Coast<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
This key allows identification of most algae in western coastal waters. <\/a><\/p>\n


11. Pressing Algae<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
Students press fresh algae specimens. <\/a><\/p>\n


12. Sea Forest<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
This reading explores the ecological and economic importance of marine algae. <\/a><\/p>\n


13. “Farming Four Feet Under” – Three Level Guide<\/a><\/b><\/span><\/dt>\n
This reading examines effort to cultivate algae as a food source. <\/a><\/p>\n


Production Credits<\/a><\/b><\/font><\/dt>\n

Below, you\u2019ll find helpful resources for use with the above activities.<\/i><\/p>\n


Unit IV: Resources<\/b><\/font><\/dt>\n


Activity 1 The Lifecycle of Ocean Waves<\/b><\/dt>\n
\tThe Lifecycle of Ocean Waves article part a<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tThe Lifecycle of Ocean Waves article part b<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tTsunami article<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n


Activity 3 Beach Sand – Littoral Sediments, Literary Sentiments<\/b><\/dt>\n
\tCollecting beach sand<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n


Activity 5 Shellfish and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning<\/b><\/dt>\n
\tShellfish and the red tide<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tToxic red tides<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tTracing a toxic tide<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tReef fish<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tKiller Dinoflagellate<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n


Activity 6 The Living Crab<\/b><\/dt>\n
\tCashing in on chitin<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tGetting started with prawns<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n


Activity 7 Marine Ecology and the Kelp Forest<\/b><\/dt>\n
\tKelp forest mini-tour<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tNational Wildlife Federation Kelp Habitat slide show<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n


\tSlide Script<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n


Activity 13 Farming Four Feet Under – Three Level Guide<\/b><\/dt>\n
\tFarming Four Feet Under article part 1<\/a><\/i><\/dd>\n
\tFarming Four Feet Under article part 2<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n


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